A Simple Mystery Challenge

phayez May 31, 2009, 2:26 PM

A speculation:

I have a simple explanation for “time”. Time does not exist. “Time” as we know it by our clocks and knotted burning strings and sun dials are merely disconnected events which we use to relate to other events such as cellular changes in our bodies which we perceive as aging. “Time” as a universal constant simply does not exist at all. Eternity is equal to zero “time”. Change in the universe occurs and continues to occur at different rates. The mystery of slowing clocks with increases in speed is just that a mystery. If one considers that “time” does not exist the mystery of slowing clocks becomes a simple search for a physical explanation of some kind of change affecting the apparatus in question, in other words, an engineering problem. When a person is riding along with the slowing clock the person can be considered to be an apparatus as well and experiences the same changes as the slowing clock. The relative difference in aging of twins in the hypothetical “twins paradox” thought experiment where one twin travels at a significant percentage of the speed of light and the other twin stays at rest has been proven to be real. This means that “time” is a physical manifestation within three dimensional existence which should not be out of reach for the human intellect to solve. This is a Quantum Engineering problem, a solution for which the power of the intellect should be able to demystify.

(credit: Pierre J. Hébert/Blogger)

phayez June 3, 2009, 11:40 AM

A speculation:

I do not accept that “time” is a fourth dimension. I accept that “time” is a dimension but I postulate that “time” is the one of the three dimensions. The dimension of length contracts as 3D matter approaches the speed of light and “time” slows. What we perceive to be “time” is actually the dimension of length.

(credit: Pierre J. Hébert/Blogger)

phayez June 3, 2009, 11:59 AM

A speculation:

Having postulated that “time” is actually the dimension of length this suggests that a universal “time” constant does not exist. There are many dimensions starting with matter having zero dimensions through 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11…N dimensions. The three dimensions which we experience comprise a bandwidth of dimensions which involve movement. The lower limit of the bandwidth is zero movement which is found at a temperature of absolute zero where all movement ceases. The upper limit of the bandwidth is 3D matter moving at the speed of light where the dimension of length (“time”) contracts, reaches zero and therefore no longer has three dimensions but only two dimensions (EG: light)(IE: “electromagnetotime”). Outside of this bandwidth (3D existence) the effects we perceive as “time” do not exist. “Time” is not some ethereal unknown mystery but merely ratios which, although based on physical reality, are themselves merely ideas or mental constructs. If you take an object and move it through a distance at a certain speed but you don’t compare that velocity/distance to anything else what do you have?

(credit: Pierre J. Hébert/Blogger)

phayez July 20, 2009, 8:51 AM

A speculation:

What determines which of the three dimensions is the dimension of length? The concept of three dimensions is a stick figure representation of existence which is convenient for human speech and interpersonal communication. There are multiple dimensions each anchored in every point in space creating an unimaginably complex matrix of dimensions which we know as “three dimensions”. The dimension of length is given priority among all other dimensions by the special property of movement. Moving matter has, as a property, the dimension of length in the direction of travel. As matter moves it is constantly being renewed so that in a curved path the dimension of length constantly reorients itself to the direction of travel. I stated in previous writings that “time is the velocity distance of 3D matter relative to the velocity/distance of other 3D matter” so that this allows for changes in the direction of travel. For example when two bits of matter are traveling together the time relation between the two is 1:1. As soon as there is a divergence in the direction and/or the velocity of the two bits of matter relative to each other the time relationship between the two changes to some ratio which is not 1:1.

(credit: Pierre J. Hébert/Blogger)

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